

What's "fair" really?
Is 'fairness' about equality, justice, mercy?
Who is fair? Is it personal, legal or universal?
Or is it just a weather condition - one that life is certainly not?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The New Resentment of the Poor - NYTimes.com

The New Resentment of the Poor - NYTimes.com: "At a time when high-income households are paying their lowest share of federal taxes in decades, when corporations frequently avoid paying any tax, it is clear who should bear a larger burden and who should not."

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Coming Global Class War...Riots in US?

Riots in US? "...modern society cannot run according to the individualist credo of Ayn Rand; economic systems, to be credible & socially sustainable, must deliver results to the vast majority of citizens. If capitalism cannot do that expect greater levels of political alienation & more outbreaks of violence — not only in Britain but across the world’s leading countries, including the U.S." http://goo.gl/RP4ji

U.K. Riots & The Coming Global Class War - Forbes
The U.K. Riots And The Coming Global Class War - Forbes

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Google Illustrates how Lucy's crises is as laughable as the US Leadership

Google's doodle animation today offers both a delightful glimpse of Lucy's legendary physical comedy (really LOL!), and a damning analogy of the US Congress's complete lack of skills, responsibility or integrity in dealing with our overstuffed economy and the accelerating financial crises ... so laugh while you can!

In case the Googel doodle animation is gone, see Lucy & The Chocolate Factory clip here.