

What's "fair" really?
Is 'fairness' about equality, justice, mercy?
Who is fair? Is it personal, legal or universal?
Or is it just a weather condition - one that life is certainly not?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Economics focus: Unrest in peace | The Economist

Inequality is a proven engine of protest, conflict & war....

"A classic 1994 paper by Alberto Alesina of Harvard University and Roberto Perotti of Bocconi University studied 71 countries between 1960 and 1985 and found that higher levels of income inequality were associated with increased social instability. Their explanation was that unrest often erupts when a wealthy middle class is weakened."

Economics focus: Unrest in peace | The Economist:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cleared of Murder, Dewey Bozella, Wins Boxing Debut

Dewey Bozella, Cleared of Murder, Wins Boxing Debut

Dewey Bozella made his professional debut at the age of 52, two years after being exonerated of the 1977 murder of a 92-year-old woman in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Four rounds in a boxing ring could not undo 26 years in prison, but Dewey Bozella made the most of them, winning a unanimous decision at the Staples Center in Los Angeles in what he says will be his only professional fight.

Mr. Bozella has gained an unlikely degree of celebrity since he walked out of a Poughkeepsie courthouse into a cold rain, a free man at last, on Oct. 28, 2009. He was convicted in 1983 of killing Emma Crapser and then convicted a second time in 1990 after turning down a deal that would have let him leave prison if he only confessed to the crime.

The discovery in 2008 of the file of the Poughkeepsie police lieutenant who had investigated the case revealed substantial exculpatory evidence that was never turned over to Mr. Bozella’s lawyers, finally leading to his exoneration.

He said he planned to open a boxing ring of his own in upstate New York as a way to mentor youths.

“My next fight is to work with kids, the Dewey Bozella Foundation, that’s what I’m trying to get started to work with kids to keep them off the streets, to let them know through boxing they can turn their life around,” he said.

Dewey Bozella, Cleared of Murder, Wins Boxing Debut

Sunday, October 16, 2011

America’s ‘Primal Scream’ - Nick Kristof / NYTimes.com

While America's average per capita income power ranks in top 10 out of world's now 194 countries, three factoids underscore do our inequality:

¶The 400 wealthiest Americans have a greater combined net worth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

¶The top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent.

¶In the Bush expansion from 2002 to 2007, 65 percent of economic gains went to the richest 1 percent.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let your Gripes be heard!

Gripe: "Gripe is a free location-aware mobile app that helps you use your word-of-mouth power to get complaints about any of the 100 million+ local businesses or service providers worldwide (restaurants, hotels, bars, plumbers, attorneys, etc.), heard and resolved, maybe even on the spot!"

'via Blog this' http://www.gri.pe/help/about

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The New Resentment of the Poor - NYTimes.com

The New Resentment of the Poor - NYTimes.com: "At a time when high-income households are paying their lowest share of federal taxes in decades, when corporations frequently avoid paying any tax, it is clear who should bear a larger burden and who should not."

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Coming Global Class War...Riots in US?

Riots in US? "...modern society cannot run according to the individualist credo of Ayn Rand; economic systems, to be credible & socially sustainable, must deliver results to the vast majority of citizens. If capitalism cannot do that expect greater levels of political alienation & more outbreaks of violence — not only in Britain but across the world’s leading countries, including the U.S." http://goo.gl/RP4ji

U.K. Riots & The Coming Global Class War - Forbes
The U.K. Riots And The Coming Global Class War - Forbes

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Google Illustrates how Lucy's crises is as laughable as the US Leadership

Google's doodle animation today offers both a delightful glimpse of Lucy's legendary physical comedy (really LOL!), and a damning analogy of the US Congress's complete lack of skills, responsibility or integrity in dealing with our overstuffed economy and the accelerating financial crises ... so laugh while you can!

In case the Googel doodle animation is gone, see Lucy & The Chocolate Factory clip here.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Unselfish Gene

"Fair does not mean equal," was one of Kare Christine Anderson's top takes on this overview article covering years of research using game theory, behavioral economics, and biology.

Your take on it?

The Unselfish Gene - Harvard Business Review

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fair4All.tv Channel‬‏ on YouTube

Collection of powerful videos on social justice, fairness & human rights to educate, inspire, and remind us all how fortunate we are to even be able to even watch these videos. YouTube - ‪pecospete's Channel‬‏

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Economist - Women's Economic Opportunity Index | JESS3™

"Women's Economic Opportunity Index"

Stunning animation of The Economist's "Women's Economic Opportunity Index" through data visualization illustrates the persistent inequality of where women stand in the business world from issues ranging from maternity leave to property rights.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Global Peace Index 2011 « Vision of Humanity

Peace, please...

Mapping this Global Peace Index vs National Income Disparities is a correlation I'd like to explore; anyone see such data mapping?